クリスマス礼拝とオーチャードでの賛美のご案内 Invitation to Christmas worship service and Orchard Praise
Kay Poh Road Baptist Church (7 Kay Poh Road) L2 礼拝堂で行います。
どなたでもご参加ください。教会は初めて! という方は大歓迎です。お子様連れもご遠慮なく。
クリスマスはイエス・キリストの誕生を祝う日です。世界で最初のクリスマスはどのようだったのでしょう。聖書の言葉から聞いてみませんか? クリスマスの歌もたくさん歌います。
お友達もお誘いください。 このちらしもどうぞご自由にシェアしてください。
International Japanese Church of Singapore (IJCS) will hold its
Christmas Worship Service on Saturday, December 23, at 4:00 PM
at the Kay Poh Road Baptist Church 7 Kay Poh Road, Level 2 Sanctuary.
Everyone is welcome to join! If it’s your first time visiting a church, we warmly invite you to come. Families with children are also more than welcome.
English Translation will be provided through the device. Please ask at the reception.
Christmas is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Have you ever wondered what the very first Christmas was like? Let’s explore this together through the words of the Bible. We’ll also sing many beautiful Christmas carols.
After the service, we invite you to stay and enjoy a fellowship meal with us.
Feel free to bring your friends and share this invitation with anyone who might be interested.
We look forward to celebrating Christmas with you!