信仰告白とバプテスマ式 Confession of Faith and Baptism


Confession of Faith

24 Dec 2023

 I learnt about Christianity through my paternal grandmother. She taught me that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (John 3:16)”. She showed me what it was like to walk in faith, how to pray and serve God.


However when I grew older and moved away from Singapore, these teachings were far from my mind. I began to question my own religion. There were times when I would even follow my university friends to different temples just to see what “religion was like for others”. In

hindsight, I was curious about the world but deep down inside, I knew that all these religions did not sit right with me. But I strayed so far away from God at that point.


 The final proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back was when my parents’ marriage broke down which resulted in my father leaving us. In my immature mind, I felt that God had let all of us down.


 In the gospel of Luke, the parable of the prodigal son teaches us that it is never too late to

return home, to the Church and to the faith that I had strayed so far away from and that God loves us. God is faithful and He has never stopped loving me or waiting for the prodigal sons (and daughters) to return.


 In my life, I have witnessed the grace and workings of God in several significant ways. One of which is my daughter. When I was in my early 30s, I had cancer and was at risk of losing my fertility. Fortunately, the surgery was successful but I was prone to miscarry. Despite this, I was blessed with my daughter. God truly is the master planner and there was a reason why she, my only child came into my life.


 As I started to parent my child, I was also growing in faith. Even though as parents, it is often that we are teaching our children, it felt at times that God was speaking through her and teaching me. My daughter now 9, shares with me parables in the bible that I have long forgotten. When I am lazy or have unkind actions, she asks if that is something that would make God proud. She reminds me how we have to put God first and seek Him first.



My sins have created this separation from God. I repent my sins so I can be reconciled with God. I choose to accept God into my life to receive salvation in Jesus Christ. To follow

Christ with all my body and spirit for the rest of my life. I seek God first and use my God- given talents to serve Him, our church and glorify Him in His kingdom.


 I will abide by him and die to self. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, He must deny

himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wished to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16: 24-25). All Glory be to God.


Confession of Faith. IJCS

Dec 24 2023

 My mom told me about God when I was young. I also learned bible stories and lessons at school. I go to ICS international community school. All the teachers there are Christians. Most of the students are also Christians.


I think that God is love and he is very very perfect. He is not selfish and gives us everything we need. He loves us too. I believe in God and that Jesus Christ is our savior.


My favorite bible verse is John 3:16. It says “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son that whoever believes in will not perish but have eternal life. I learned this verse from a song I heard in the car on our way to church one day.



I believe God created the whole world and created me with love. Sometimes we don’t obey God and sin. But Jesus died on the cross for me to forgive me and to give me a new life with him. I would like to follow Jesus and please God through my life.


I would like to share the gospel and about God to other people. For example, I want to share the gospel by praying for them and serving in church by doing the volunteer things like handbell and singing.




