信仰告白とバプテスマ式 Confession of Faith and Baptism
Confession of Faith 24 Dec 2023 I learnt about Christianity through my paternal grandmother. She taught me that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (John 3:16)”. She showed me what it was like to walk in faith, how to pray and serve God. 私は父方の祖母を通してキリスト教について学びました。祖母は、『神はそのひとり子をお与えになったほどに世を愛された(ヨハネによる福音書 3 章 16 節)』と教えてくれました。祖母は、信仰をもって歩むとはどういうことか、どのように祈り、主に仕えるかを教えてくれました。 However when I grew older and moved away from Singapore, these teachings were far from my mind. I began to question my own religion. There were times when I would even follow my university friends to different temples just to see what “religion was like for others”. In hindsight, I was curious about the world but deep down inside, I knew that all these religions did not sit right with me. But I strayed so far away from God at that point. しかし、成長してシンガポールから離れると、祖母の教えも私の頭から遠のいていきました。私は自分の宗教に疑問を抱くようになりました。他の人にとっての宗教がどんなものか知りたいという...