Confession of Faith 16 April, 2017 by Y. Y. I’m grateful that I have made it this far being supported by many prayers. In God's Plan, past 57 years of my life was just a prologue before starting new life. I have deep emotion while feeling strange to be baptized, but "Let us go over to the other side (Mark 4:35)," Jesus is standing beside me and accompanying me to the other side no matter how big storm comes. Once I saw the verse from bible in TV drama: "he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Cor 10:13)," and it was my first encounter with bible. I was introduced IJCS by God's arrangement and attended Sunday service for the first time on 1st June 2014. However, I regretted coming soon after the service started because I felt I was out of place. I missed my chance to escape while sitting and standing during the service, then sermon on Genesis by Pastor Ito had started. Genesis Chapter 1 says, "God saw all that...