
6月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

International Fellowship after IJCS worship service

After IJCS worship service, we often enjoy fellowship like this at Hawker Center near the church. Some of them found IJCS through this website.  Their nationalities are Malaysian, Indonesian, Singaporean and Japanese.  Any nationality, age, or gender is welcome at IJCS.  You can meet Japanese friends and try to use Japanese here. You can have bilingual worship experience and enjoy multi culture and multi language fellowship at IJCS. We look forward seeing you at IJCS worship service.


IJCSはインターナショナルな教会です。今日も礼拝の後、Girls !で賑やかなホーカー(屋台村)ディナー。このwebsite を見て、初めて教会に来たという人もたくさんいます。インドネシア、マレーシア、シンガポール、日本、さまざまな国籍で、Girls Talk! 男性ももちろん、大歓迎です!  教会でぜひお会いしましょう。