IJCS choir performed Easter Cantata. You can see and hear it by the link below the photos. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i42h46wwmhardrn/2014-04-20%2017.04.10.mov
IJCS celebrated Easter Worship on April 20th. Ms.R shared her testimony to join IJCS. We were moved to hear her testimony. We took a phto at the end of worship. IJCS is the church of different nationalities, age groups. both men and women, and we worship together. After worship service, we celebrated Easter with sharing cakes and joy!
IJCSのイースター礼拝が感謝をもってささげられました。 Rさんの転入会の証しもありました。 困難な環境で育ったが、主にあって乗り越えることができたことを、力強く伝えてくれました。 聖歌隊の賛美は30分に及ぶ大曲でしたが、力強い賛美でした。 復活の主が今、生きておられるから、わたしたちは明日に向かうことができます。 Because He lives, We can face tomorrow!
IJCS choir is practicing for Good Friday and Easter Service. This choir conbined with Japanese and Chinese and their nationality is Japanese, Singaporean, Taiwanese, and Malyasian. Come and hear the choir singing directly!
Children's Day Camp Program: Bible Story, songs, Handcraft, Game, Let's make and eat lunch! DVD, Swimming, snack. Date: 1 May 2014 (Thus. Labour Day) Place: Dover Parkview Condo Function room Add: 38 Dover Parkview, Club House 2F (S) 138686 Things to bring: water bottle, swimming wear, extra clothes, apron Further Enquiries : Tanzawa Mariko (HP 91594037)
Good Friday Worship April 18th 4:00-5:30pm Choir, Children's message, Message for Good Friday Easter Worship Service April 20th 4:00-5:30pm Choir: Easter Cantata, Children will make Easter eggs. All are welcome. English interpretation will be provided.
受難日礼拝 Good Friday Worship Service 4月18日(金)午後4時~5時半 聖歌隊、子どもメッセージ、賛美歌と十字架のメッセージ イースター礼拝 Easter Worship Service 4月20日(日)午後4時~5時半 聖歌隊:イースターカンタータ 子どもたちはイースターエッグづくりなど。 どなたでも、お気軽にお出かけください。お待ちいたしております。
The choir, practising hard for the upcoming Good Friday worship service on 18th Apr, 4pm, and Easter worship service on Sunday 20th, 4pm. Come and enjoy their live performance! We hope to see you!
The Church School Promotion Ceremony was held today and every student has been promoted to the next grade. All the children responded so enthusiastically when their names were called out. One by one, they went on the stage-some almost sheepishly-where they each received a present. It will be most wonderful this year too, if we can have fun-filled activities throughout !