IJCS has prayer meeting on every Wednesday evening from 7:30 p.m.-9:00p.m. At Kay Poh Road Baptist Church 3rd floor room 01. We sing contemporary hyms and read the Bible one chapter a day then share each other and pray. On October 2nd, we had a special guest from Fukuoka, Japan. Pastor Takashi Mori, 28 yeard old yound pastor visited IJCS on a way back from their mission tirp to Cambodia. They brought four members including two high school girls. Pastor Mori is a one of co pastors of Hirao Baptist Church, Fukuoka, and he is responsible for Daimyo Cross Garden Capel of Hirao Baptist Church which located at the center of Fukuoka. They try hard to reach out to young people in Japan using concert, drama, cafe and several ways to get the interests from young people. We received challenge from him and had good sharing time and prayer time together. Anyone is encouraged to participate this prayer meeting. Japanese, English, Chinese.. any language is accepted ...